Sunday, October 19, 2014

The City Of Refuge

"For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin" (Colossians 1:13).

           Jesus has accomplished everything  for us through the Cross.  At the cross, all our sins that we ever committed in the past, or we will ever commit in future were put upon Jesus. His one perfect payment cleared us off our life time of sin so that we can now walk in the newness of God, and with confident expectation of God's blessings and eternal relationship with him. The picture of Jesus' work on the cross could be seen in the story of the cities for refuge, and their importance to the children of Israel in the past.
             When the children of Israel had taken possession of their inhertance, they set aside six cities, three on either side of the Jordan river, so that one would be easily accessible from every part of the land. These were the cities of refuge for a man who by accident caused the death of another. For example; two men could be cutting trees in the forest like the people of Ndothua used to do, and by accident the axe of one man flew out of his hand and struck his companion on the head so that he died. The man who caused his death would, according to the law, have forfeited his life for the previous law said; "Whosoever shed  man's blood, by man shall his bllood be shed."  The next of kin to the dead man might at once take his life, but this provision of the cities of refuse met his need.
            When the man saw that his companion dead, who may have been his friend, was dead, he would at once flee to nearest city of refuge. He had to start at once,and dare not wait a moment or even to go home to say good - bye to his wife and family. His main focus would be to reach the city of refuge.
          This picture is linked to our salvation by a verse in  the Epistle to the Hebrews, which speaks about  those who have fled to the Lord Jesus Christ for refuge (Hebrews 6:18). We have forfeited our life by sin, and our only hope is in the refuge which is  God has provided. We must flee immediately to Him, for we do not know how soon justice might catch up with us. But once we are within that place of shelter death cannot touch us.
                 In the old convenant the refugee was to remain in the city of refuge till the death of the high Priest. But in the new convenant, our Great  High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ does not die. We remain within the city of refuge, and we are safe in him to all eternity.

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