Friday, October 24, 2014

The Author Of Life

"I am  the resurrection and life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die"  (John 1:25-26).

      The Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross, but three days he came back to life, and was seen by many of his followers! This great event proved that he was not just an ordinary person, but the son of God as he always claimed to be. He went to the cross through death by his enemies, so that he might destroy him that had the power of death; that is the devil. He is our champion just like David was the champion of the children of Israel!
        David  met in a single combat, Goliath the great enemy of Israel  When David first offered himself to go  and  fight Goliath, Saul who was the King of Israel at that time, warned him, and thought he had undertaken a hopeless task. But David knew where to look for help. He told Saul how God had enabled him to overcome both a lion and bear, that had attacked one of the lambs of his flock. And so he went out to meet the giant with his shepherd's sling and five stones from the brook. The God whom Goliath defied guided the hand of David, and the stone his sling hit Goliath on the temple, so that he fell on his face to the ground, and with Goliath's own sword, David cut off his head. This great event previewed another greater one that happened among the children of Israel.
       In the Gospel, we read how our Lord Jesus immediately after his baptism, was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, that he might fight and conquer Satan, the great enemy of his people. When the time came for him to meet this great enemy in a single combat, his weapon was the word of God. "It is written" was hurled again and again at the tempter as he quoted three times from the book of Deuteronomy. In his death on the cross, Jesus finally vanquished him. This probably took place over the very spot where the head of Goliath is buried.
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